Empathetic End-of-Life Care for Pets
Pet Care
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Going Home – Finding Peace when Pets Die
Being Mortal – Atul Gawande
Resource on grief from Tia Amdurer
Other books for adults
Talking to kids about death and euthanasia
Should my kid(s) be present?
Books for kids
Love is Forever, by Casey Rislov
The 10th best thing about Barney
Dog heaven
How do pets grieve? (CP’s FAQs are excellent on this)
Should my other pets be present?
Your pet’s perfect day – it’s not too late to make memories
Fur Face Photography
Portraits from photos
Jewelry made from paw prints
Ways to collect mementos
Hair clippings
Ashes back or not
Clay paws
Pet funerals
You are welcome to call to talk, anytime
Anticipatory Grief
Why anticipatory grief matters – you can make memories now
What can I do now so that later I have no regrets?
What is your pet’s bucket list?
Argus Institute